Saturday, May 10, 2008

Shopping Day

Today was "shopping for Italy" day. It was a beautiful day in NC today, so Ron and I took the vet out and did some shopping. First stop was REI, since they have a good sale right now. I bought one t-shirt and a little travel purse. Ron on the other hand, that shopping fool, bought about 5-6 shirts! Then to the mall(I hate malls), to get a day backpack I've been eyeing. It had to be unisex so Ron and I could switch off carrying it. I bought some VERY comfy sandals yesterday, so Ron decided he needed a comfy pair of shoes also, so he found a comfy pair at the 'WalkingCompany'. So we're ready for sightseeing in Italy! 13days~ Pam


8 Friends in Italy said...

Hey! We need a picture of you guys with that hot Mochine!

8 Friends in Italy said...

Yeah, same for Dick and Angie! PPG

Anonymous said...

Hello 8 friends in Italy
Hope everyone has a wonderful trip
think of me "maybe" once in a while